There’s something extremely rewarding to me personally when I deliver photographs. I love watching the expressions on the faces of the family… first smiling and then the sparkle in their eyes. That tells me that I’ve done my job and captured a beautiful memory that that family will enjoy for years to come.
But when I deliver a video, it’s a little different. In a video, the images come to life. The music I select (and sometimes labor over until I find just the right song) complements the animation. While the family watches the video, I watch them. First, I see that familiar smile. Then I see the sparkle in their eyes. Finally, the tears come. I have touched their hearts in a very special way. I have given the family a truly precious keepsake that I hope will serve as a reminder of this special time in their lives. Not only images, but life in motion. From my perspective, there’s no better way to record a chapter in the life of your family than with one of my videos. Please contact me for current pricing and specials. We Go Well Together from Julie Effron on Vimeo. Help You Stand from Julie Brock on Vimeo. Tell Me It's Lovely from Julie Brock on Vimeo. |
Hey Mama! from Julie Effron on Vimeo. Lovely Day from Julie Brock on Vimeo. I Wish You Love from Julie Brock on Vimeo. Kaydence's 1st Birthday! from Julie Brock on Vimeo. |