![]() Think back to your favorite photo of your mom. Do you have one that sticks in your mind? What do you think about when you look at that photo? All you see is a loving, caring, beautiful mother, right? Now, think of that same photo from your mom's perspective. What do you think she she sees when she looks at that same photo? Maybe she thinks her arms are too fat and her tummy is too flabby -- and what about that double chin? Does that change your opinion on it? No -- it doesn't. Because every time you look at that photo, all you will ever be able to see is your loving, caring, beautiful mother. Now, transfer that to you. When your children grow up and look back at photos of you and them, what will they see? I promise you it won't be the double chin that you're so focused on. They'll see mommy. The mommy that loves them, kissed their boo-boos, and will always be their beautiful mommy. I urge you to exist in photos. Take a selfie with your kids, hire a professional, or hand the camera to your husband every once in a while. When your children are grown they are going to want to look back on the fun times they had -- with you in them. Try to look past the flaws and see yourself how your kids see you. No fat, no wrinkles -- all beautiful, wonderful, mommy. #existinphotos "I want you to exist in photographs -- for your children, for the people who love you. For yourself." #existinphotos
August 2022